Monday, 25 June 2012

Interactive T-shirts

I love novelty t-shirts, and nothing is wittier in my eyes than well thought out t-shirt slogan. The problem is, there are loads about these days and its hard to find one that hasn't been done to death.

So you can imagine my delight when i stumbled upon INTERACTIVE T-SHIRTS!!!, now these may have been out for ages and i may just be on the last bus, but i thought i would share the awesomeness that is T-SHIRTS THAT DO STUFF!!

Why have a boring run of the mill upper torso covering when you can shine like a beacon of hope among the lesser folk too afraid to don such a splendid coating of flashy lights, sound or that light up when a wi-fi connection is in range?

The cool folk over at ThinkGeek have got some interactive t-shirts that i am eager to try out, here are some of the cool stuff:

Tony Stark Light
Wi-Fi Network Detector
Noise Activated Equalizer
Electric Guitar

Do you already own an interactive t-shirt? Have you found ones cooler than this? Post a comment and let me know.

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